Tuesday, March 18, 2014


It happens frequently that we are unhappy with a certain situation. I have noticed that peoples’ reaction to undesirable circumstances can be separated into three categories. 

1. Take action to change the situation
Some situations are overwhelming and the thought may come up that, just on our own, we cannot change the circumstances. That is probably often correct, though we need to remind ourselves that big changes are typically initiated and driven by a single person e.g. Lee Kuan Yew being instrumental in building Singapore, Nelson Mandela leading South Africa to abolish apartheid. 

Maybe we don’t feel cut out to tackle such humongous tasks, but the message is that we shouldn’t underestimate ourselves. With true determination, we can achieve more than we think possible. 

2 Make the best out of it
Fair enough, then there are many developments which just happen and make our lives more challenging. When things go wrong we can always analyse and learn, not to repeat possible mistakes. Or find one way or another to deal with it, make the best out of it, and go on with life.

3. Complain
If we complain to the relevant party and get things settled, that actually falls under point 1, but, did you notice that a lot of people actually complain to the wrong people i.e. to friends about what is wrong in the company or to a colleague about the boss? 

No point complaining to a person that cannot address the issue. Yes, sometime it feels good if we complain and somebody listens to us. It is okay to have a bit of a massage for the soul. But, actually, it doesn’t solve anything and generally make you feel more negative or miserable, in other words, best to be avoided. 

Most people are happy to show a compassion when others are down, but I don’t know of anybody who loves to listen to ongoing complaints and moaning.

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